
Here is a collection of information about autism.

Theory of Mind and Autism

What is Theory of Mind?Theory of mind is an individual's mental states and development affected by their cultures, including beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, and knowledge toward themselves and others that are not directly observable, to predict our behaviors and others'.The ability to comprehend attention, understand others' intentions, and imitate others is essential to build the theory of mind. Another necessary supporting development is pretending to be someone else, understanding the...

Pragmatic Speech and Autism

source: www.freepik.comAutistic people can talk. More often than not, yet, individuals with autism talk 'uniquely' compared to their neurotypical peers. They might be direct to speak out their mind, but others think they are rude, socially "off." Their ability to read and understand social cues, gestures, culture, ethics, and expectations are limited. Those non-verbal social communication skills are in the category of pragmatic speech skills. It's essential to have the ability to observe the...

Speech Therapy at Home

Autistic people have difficulty processing verbal and non-verbal cues from others. Speech therapy helps them step by step to make them think, process, and understand the information they receive and express their response accordingly. Some strategies speech therapist use that we as parents/caregivers apply in an everyday situation with our autistic children:Talk out loud/verbalizing about what you're doing and what's your child's doing. For example, you and your child are playing cars. You can...

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)

source: www.freepik.comThe essential intervention treatment needed for autistic children is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Behavioral analysis is a study to help us understand the child's behavior affected by the environment to accommodate a successful learning process. Applied behavior analysis is a flexible therapy using techniques designed to understand and change inappropriate/incorrect responses/behaviors. The Behavior Analyst (BCBA) can customize programs to help them learn the skills to...

The Signs and Symptoms of Autism

Autism is a brain development disorder impacting how individuals interact, communicate, and the way they behave. The spectrum refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity. The main symptoms of autism are social skill challenges and repetitive behaviors. Developmental evaluation by a professional is recommended as early as possible to identify any delays in cognitive language and social skills. Signs and symptoms developed are mostly seen by the age of 18 to 24 months. Early diagnosis leads...